
workshops + Courses


Getting The Book Done
Tuesdays 10.30am-12pm  
8 June - 20 July 2021 (Reading Week 29 June to share manuscripts) 
£120 (conc £100)

A practical, hands-on course, giving you tools for plotting, editing, tightening opening chapters, and strategies for sustaining your practice to get the thing finished. The group will be small to allow for in-depth workshopping and discussion about your own work. I will buddy you up with someone in the group for a full manuscript exchange and you will be encouraged to share your own work as well as help others to develop theirs with feedback.

Class 01: Flatplans and Strategies
Class 02: Plotting Tools and Checklists
Class 03: Editing Techniques: The Content Edit and The Line Edit
Break to swap manuscripts for feedback
Class 04: Workshopping 
Class 05: Workshopping 
Class 06: The End in Sight (applying all learning to your manuscript and establishing a practice to get it finished) 

The goal of the course is to help you feel in control of the monster you are wrestling with, organise and plan your material, identify issues and gaps in the narrative, and move the manuscript closer (if you wish) to finding agents/publication. You will leave with a more developed project, with a clear direction forward, as well as a group of people willing to read whole manuscripts, not just sections here and there. 

Spaces limited - email to book